My story, my Bio

The act of painting is never innocent,

the theme and the subject are only pretexts to reveal a personality, a sensitivity.

Accueil » My story, my Bio

Isabelle Corcket my story

I have been painting and drawing since I was 15 years old... In 1979 I entered the Arts Appliqués et Métiers d'Arts, then I had a career as an interior designer for 10 years.
Self-taught, I plunged into watercolour 35 years ago...I have been teaching it for about fifteen years.
Whether it is in painting or in travel journals, watercolour brings me happiness and balance.
I have been exhibiting in France and abroad since 1999.

Isabelle Corcket sa bio d'aquarelliste et de carnettiste

I live, I follow, I contemplate, each day brings me a firmament of ideas [... ...] V. Hugo



Small details, cities, architectures, daily atmospheres, forgotten moments are my favourite subjects. Through my watercolours I would like to share with you not only my emotions, but also the poetry of the simplest moments... or the grace of these small everyday moments...

To continue to open our eyes to these small details which allow us above all to open in ourselves, this part of poetry, of childhood, of memories, the essential being the moment when the brush brush brushes the paper, when the gesture and the feeling are united...


In parallel with watercolour and the works I have created, the notebook allows me to be "more talkative" and "less academic".

The pictorial approach has no limits, no taboos, it is free of expression, retranscribing, writing, drawing, noting emotions, feelings. It allows all the reveries and other freedoms.

Carnet de voyage Santorin - carnettiste Isabelle Corcket


Essaouira, Santorini, India, Italy, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Zanzibar, Senegal, Wales, Paris, weekends en France…& little detours here, there and elsewhere.

Special projects

Pondichéry, Viaggio in Italia, Ile d’Yeu, Bretagne, Estuaire


« Bistro, zinc et Cie »

Private collections

USA, England, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Turkey, Dubai, Wales, Ireland, France...